Multiple monitor setup (6 monitors)
Spent couple hours upgrading the system to add 6 monitors. Built in motherboard had 4 video outputs. Since I needs to add 2 more, I added...

QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Firm iNSYNQ Hit in Ransomware Attack — Krebs on Security
What? Quickbooks got hit too? Don’t you feel helpless when you hear all these big companies and big governments are getting hit with...
Cloud Biometric Time Clocks
Do you need a time clock for your business? Look no further. We have a cloud based Biometric fingerprint time clocks. No need to enter...
Do you need help checking your Business equipment?
We are an expert at monitoring your network and respond to problems before they become a problem. We can monitor your servers, network,...
Where to Backup?
Are you ready to lose your data if there is a fire or a is hit by a malicious ransomware attack? In this day in age losing this type of...
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams - Wikipedia[if lt IE 9]><![endif] StartFragmentMicrosoft Teams is a platform that combines workplace chat, meetings,...
File Share, Security and Audit on Windows Server 2016
Customer wanted to have the ability to share, give special permissions and know who deleted the file or folder. We can achieve the...
Attacked by Trojan.Emotet
We’ve just recovered from one of the most intrusive viruses to date with minimal damage to the client’s network. It’s been two days since...

West Coast Partner Summit – Destination Tomorrow
We attended the Sandler Partners Summit this past Tuesday, October 16th. It holds great information for the people in the IT and Sales worl